Investing in Argentina
Argentina is the second largest country in Latin America and one of the richest in the region. It has a population of 44 million inhabitants, highly qualified human resources, abundant natural resources and diversified industries. It has the world’s second and fourth largest resources of gas oil. It presents important investment opportunities, particularly in infrastructure, energy and renewable energies, mining, gas and oil, real estate and urban development, telecommunications, advanced technology and agribusiness, among others.
Since its inauguration in December 2015, the government has focused on ensuring economic predictability and strengthening investment as the key to economic recovery. Measures were taken to correct macroeconomic imbalances: unification of the exchange rate, lifting of monetary controls, improvement of the accuracy and transparency of official statistics, reduction of distortionary import and export restrictions. At the same time, progress was made in regularizing the situation with external creditors. This made it possible to leave the default behind and re-enter the international capital markets after 15 years. The regulatory framework for the creation of new companies, the expansion of investment - with a strong emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises - and the promotion of competition in the communications, gas, energy and aviation sectors were also improved.
The National Investment and Trade Promotion Agency provides information and consultancy services to investors and businessmen on economic and financial conditions, investment opportunities and the applicable regulatory framework: